Staatstheater Nürnberg
Home > What's On > Archive > 23/24 Season > 23/24 Programme > Import/Export-Café: YODEL-WORKSHOP


Import/​Export-Café: YODEL-WORK­SHOP

Wednesday, 13/12/2023

06.00 PM

Meeting Place Schauspielhaus


Yodelling, i.e. singing that constantly alternates between chest and head voice, originally developed from a vocal technique to communicate over greater distances in mountainous regions. Similar forms of yodelling communication also exist f.e. in China, Poland, the Caucasus and the African Pygmies. So if you only think of leather trousers when you hear the word "yodelling", you're wrong! Here is an opportunity to get to know this peculiar form of singing. Iohodraeho!

Admission is free, but we ask for registration vielfalt(a)

Illustration: Lena Ziyal,

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