Staatstheater Nürnberg
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Sarah-Lee Chap­man

Sarah-Lee Chapman



Born in South Afrika, Sarah-Lee Chapmann started her training at the Cape Academy of Performing Arts (CAPA) as well as the Jacqui Pells School of Ballet in Cape Town. From 2002 until 2010 she was part of the Cape Youth Dance Company (CYDC) and soloist of the Cape Dance Company (CDC). Afterwards she was trained in classical ballett with Martin Schonberg. As dancer she performed in various choreographies amongst others by Bridget Breiner, John Neumeier, Veronika Paeper und Jiří Kylián. Her last positions where with the Ballet im Revier – Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen (MIR) under the direction of Bridget Breiner. Before that, she worked with the Cape Town City Ballet since 2012. Sarah-Lee Chapman is member of the company of Nuremberg Ballet since season 2019/2020.

Photo © Julia Puder

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