Staatstheater Nürnberg
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International Opera Studio

In the Nuremberg International Opera Studio, the Staatstheater Nürnberg, in cooperation with the Nuremberg University of Music, awards stipends to young graduates in voice and correpetition. For one year, the artists receive practice-oriented training at the Staatstheater Nürnberg and matriculate at the Nuremberg University of Music in the master's program "Master Internationales Opernstudio" with a major in voice or correpetition.

At the Nuremberg university of music

  • The members of the International Opera Studio attend supplementary courses (voice lessons, correpetition and opera history/dramaturgy).
  • In addition, they can take further elective courses for professionalization, such as scenic-dramatic lessons, acting lessons, speech interpretation, movement/dance/body training.
  • Participation in master classes is also possible.
  • If possible, the stipendiaries can participate in a university production.

The stipendiaries of the Nuremberg International Opera Studio

  • are represented in small and medium roles in the current repertoire of the Staatstheater Nürnberg.
  • As part of the Opera Studio's training program, the members also participate in rehearsals and performances of the Opera Studio's own productions.
  • In addition, members of the opera studio receive application and audition training as well as information on theater and contract law and theater organization.
  • The members of the opera studio receive a monthly stipend and, depending on requirements, a fee for their participation in performances at the Staatstheater Nürnberg.



For the 2025/26 season, we are looking for a young singer in the tenor, baritone and bass voice categories as well as a répétiteur. The deadline for applications is July 1, 2024, and we unfortunately cannot consider applications received after that date.

If you would like to apply, please send your application only by e-mail to: opernstudio(a)
If you have been selected for the audition, we will contact you with an invitation shortly after the application deadline. Please refrain from inquiring about the status of your application. Unfortunately, travel expenses cannot be reimbursed.


  • German language skills B1 (CEFR: Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen)
  • University graduates in singing and accompaniment; proof of a degree (at least a Bachelor's degree) must be submitted with the application

Please send us the following documents:

  • Short cover letter with the motivation for your application to the International Opera Studio Nuremberg
  • Completed questionnaire on CV etc.
  • CV
  • Proof of completion of Bachelor's or Master's degree programme
  • 2-3 arias as a link, without password and without download link. An aria by Mozart must be part of the selection.

We would like to thank the sponsors of the International Opera Studio, the Damenclub zur Förderung der Oper Nürnberg e.V., the Freunde der Staatsoper Nürnberg e.V. and Helga und Hans Wormser, Patronage members of the Freunde der Staatsoper e.V.


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